What is a Game Ready?
A Game Ready is a machine that utilizes pneumatic compression and cryotherapy to promote recovery and combat pain and swelling. Using RICE methodology, Game Ready provides a pain management option that does not involve the use of opioids or other addictive pharmaceuticals to users experiencing acute injuries, as well as to users who have recently undergone surgery. RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation, is a method used primarily for treating sprains and injuries where intense swelling as a response to trauma may delay your ability to start moving again. Swelling and inflammation are natural responses to injury, but while both help facilitate healing by bringing an excess of blood and healing factors to damaged cells, too much swelling restricts your mobility and can bring on another set of injuries. Game Ready machines can be used to treat injuries like bone fractures, muscle strains, tendonitis, and general trauma where regaining mobility and moving the damaged area without intense pain is an extremely important part of the recovery process.

Pneumatic Compression
Game Ready machines use pneumatic and intermittent compression to release edema and encourage new blood cells to flood the targeted area. Essentially, a wrap applies an evenly dispersed amount of pressure to an injured joint or damaged muscle tissue. Then, the device pumps blood back towards the heart by increasing pressure first in the distal areas, and then moving towards the more proximal areas of the wrap. This cycle continues in order to clear the amount of swelling. The intermittent squeezing effect imitates natural muscle contractions, which helps to prevent blood clots in deep veins and increase the circulation of oxygenated blood. Though pneumatic and intermittent compression is often used in the therapy world to treat and manage pain from acute injuries and medical operations, other uses and benefits include decreased wound discharge and risk of infection. Additionally, people recovering from a stroke often experience less blood flow in certain areas and could greatly benefit from pneumatic and intermittent compression. Another benefit of the Game Ready is that it decreases post-traumatic injury or surgery edema. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms are other conditions that intermittent compression can help to mitigate, or prevent entirely. Game Ready devices have three levels of compression (ranging from 5 mm Hg to 75 mm Hg) for the multitude of injuries and conditions that pneumatic compression treats.